You know what my least favorite fitness goals are? Weight loss goals. Goals to lose X pounds by Y date. So boring and uninspiring. I’ve got a better idea: choose […]
The Ricky Byrdsong Memorial Race Against Hate was this past Sunday A race that thousands of locals train for and participate in For many, this was their first 5K or […]
You likely have fitness goals for this year Whether or not you will achieve them is always a game with many variables Some of those variables are outside of your […]
How to Inspire OthersThis past weekend I was working out at the YMCA in Evanston I glanced over at the treadmills and saw a father and son running side-by-side The […]
What I Learned FromRunning 100 Days in a Row If you follow me on Strava, you may have seen I recently passed 100 days of running at least 1 mile per […]
Leaning From Your Ankles Take a look at Michael Look at that forward lean Everything about that image tells us he should be falling FORWARDS Without Hollywood magic, if you leaned […]
How you can achieve the impossible Do you ever doubt yourself?Do you doubt your capabilities or your ability to do something difficult? Maybe you’re thinking of a challenge you’re facing […]
Finding FlowHave you heard of the concept of flow? In the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author talks about “the psychology of optimal experience“ In MY reading of the book and understanding of the […]