How you can achieve the impossible

Reading Time: 3mins

Last Updated: December 16th, 2024 at 11:11 pm

How you can achieve the impossible
Do you ever doubt yourself?
Do you doubt your capabilities or your ability to do something difficult?

Maybe you’re thinking of a challenge you’re facing and wondering if you will be able to overcome it.
Or some big goal you have and if you’ll be able to accomplish it.

Everyone has doubts. We’re human.

I’d be lying if I said I never hear the voice of doubt in my head.

But I never let it become the dominant voice. 

And you shouldn’t either. 

The trick is to build confidence by doing difficult things.

Go back more than 10 years ago in my fitness career and I remember having the thought in my mind: “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to run a marathon in my life”

Fast forward to the present day and I’ve completed 2 marathons, 3 half Ironmans, and a full Ironman.

When I first heard about an Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run), I thought to myself: “That’s crazy! How is that even possible?”

In my mind it seemed like an impossible task. Truly impossible.

When I signed up for an Ironman, that feeling of impossibility was very very real throughout my training

The feeling of impossibility

Thinking about the race just seemed like this distant thing that had no connection to me.

There was me

and then this distant goal of completing this impossible race.

But now

I’m on the other side

I completed an Ironman in November 2022

I’ve done what I thought to be impossible for myself 

And now, I have a dangerous weapon:
The memory of that feeling of impossibility and the knowledge that I completed the impossibleSo nowI can apply that to all areas of my life. Not just athletic endeavors When I recognize that same feeling of impossibility towards my next goal, the doubt just melts awayBecause I have the knowledge that I did the impossible and I can do what feels impossible
And you can have that tooThe knowledge that you can do the impossibleAnd it will apply to all areas of your lifeYour fitness
Your family
Your career
And whatever else you have aspirations forYou first have to pick a goal
You have to decide on an impossible task to undertake Whatever it is for you that feels impossible, I challenge you to commit to achieving it. When things get hard on the path and it feels impossible, that’s when you push the hardestI’m writing to you from the other side…Anything is possible
If you have goals of completing some big race and you have pain while running, we should talk.Path to Pain Free Running:
1. Talk to me about your problem via phone call
2. Schedule appointment
3. Receive treatment and run pain free
Schedule FREE Discovery Call
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Bullet Proof Your RunEver wonder if the way you’re running predisposes you to injury?
Learn how to run to avoid injury, learn some running gait drills and exercises to bullet proof your run!

What: Running gait workshop. ~20-30 minutes of non-continuous running on Woodway treadmills with gait drills mixed in
Who: Dr. Michael and Coach Liz
When: May 25th @ 7:30 pm
Where: Stride Fitness in Wilmette
 >>> Click HERE to RSVP <<<

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