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You know what my least favorite fitness goals are? Weight loss goals.
Goals to lose X pounds by Y date. So boring and uninspiring.
I’ve got a better idea: choose a goal that is based upon completing something new. Goals based on completing something are far more interesting mentally and the results are more tangible.
For example, having a goal to “Complete your first 5K” would do way more for your overall fitness and weight loss goals than committing to some arbitrary number on the scale.
I love encouraging people to sign up for races because signing up for races gets you training. And that’s important. Actually doing the training is part of the point of signing up for these races.
Having a race on the calendar is great incentive that actually gets you moving. The looming deadline creates a positive pressure and forces you to act.
So if you haven’t already, my #1 health tip for 2025 is to sign up for a race
Sign up for a race
My favorite race of the year is the Ricky Byrdsong Race Against Hate which is on Father’s Day June 15th, 2025 in Evanston. They have a 5K and a 10K option.
If you’ve never done a 5K before, the Race Against Hate is a great option and the Evanston Running Club has a free 0 to 5K program with that race being the goal race each year.
If you’re interested in seeing what other races are available of various distances, dates, and locations, check out the new Upcoming Events!
This page is a curated list of popular road races in our area.
Maybe you’ll find something you like. If you do, sign up for it and get to training!
Your best is yet to come!
Dr. Michael