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It’s that time of year again: the holidays!
Like most people around this time, exercising and training takes a back seat to eating good food and spending time relaxing with family. The mood of the community and the weather tells us to sit inside, chill, rest, and recover. All of which I highly recommend.
However, this time of year is also spent thinking about next year. Goals that you want to achieve, new activities you want to get involved in, new habits, new ways of eating, etc. This is a great time to think of what you want 2025 to look like and wait until January 1st to actually start.
The problem with waiting until January 1st is, you start from a dead stop. You know what they say “An object at rest tends to stay at rest”
So if you really want to make an impact on your health goals in 2025, think about building momentum NOW.
Build exercise momentum now through easy, consistent action
It may seems like an oximoron to talk about resting during the holidays and getting a head start on your 2025 health goals but hear me out.
Building momentum with exercise does not mean beginning marathon training early and right now. It simply means beginning to exercise consistently. Nothing crazy intense. Just consistent.
Running 3 days a week for 30 minutes, at whatever speed you’d like, is a great way to just get the ball rolling. It’s really not too much of an ask to workout a few times a week. The trick is doing that consistently over time.
Start with easy, consistent action in December and carry it into January for a more meaningful start to your 2025 health goals.
Your best is yet to come!
Dr. Michael