How to Maximize Your Off-Season

Reading Time: 2mins

Are you ready for that big race that’s right around the corner?

Chances are, you don’t have any races or big events within the next few weeks to months. Welcome to the off-season.

This is the time of year when it really doesn’t make much sense to progress running mileage or intensity. The weather is getting much colder, the sun isn’t out as much, everyone is traveling for and preparing for the holidays.

I’ve never farmed or worked on a farm, but there is a parallel idea regarding the seasonality of things. Farmer’s don’t harvest their crops all year round.

There is a time for planting seeds, a time for watering and allowing things to grow, and a time for harvesting. The same is true for your yearly training. You shouldn’t be running hard all year round. Now is not the time and that’s ok.

If you got into serious running recently, you might be thinking: “What am I supposed to do during the winter?”

Short answer = Weight lift

This winter, I encourage you to get into some sort of weightlifting routine. Or at least get involved with some other activity to keep you healthy and active.

Weightlifting is the #1 way that muscles get stronger. Weightlifting in this winter will help your legs feel good and literally be stronger for running in 2025. Now is the time for weightlifting and light running.

I’m putting together a 12-week small group weightlifting program designed for runners by myself called: Own the Off Season Winter Weightlifting. The idea with the program is to help participants build leg and core strength during the off-season to prepare for the 2025 running season.

Workouts will focus on single leg movements that are crucial for runners and focus on all the key areas I see runners struggle with. Maximum number of participants for these small group workouts is limited.

Your best is yet to come!

Dr. Michael

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