Don’t Be Afraid to Truly Rest
We’ve all heard how important consistency is. We all know how valuable doing just a little bit every day can be. Over time, the little actions add up. This is…
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Last Updated: December 17th, 2024 at 2:35 pm
We’ve all heard the expression: insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result Given that definition, many injured runners are insane I hate to sound too preachy here, but most injured runners continue to do the same things that got them injured in the first place Perpetuating the pain cycle indefinitely until something changes Whenever you’re injured, it’s important to break the pain cycle first Or in other words, stop doing the things that make your pain definitely worse The key word in that sentence is: stop You’ll likely have to stop something This stopping will likely be some sort of a sacrifice Maybe it’s decreasing volume Maybe it’s changing your training plan Maybe it’s taking a break from running for a few weeks Maybe it’s not running with your favorite group of friends for a while because you need the rest It will be frustrating, disappointing, deflating, and can have a negative effect on your mental health But understanding that you’ll need to sacrifice something in order to heal, can help you realize that what feels like a setback, is actually progress It’s progress because if you don’t do something to get out of the pain cycle, nothing changes! If you want to make progress towards being healed, you’ll have to sacrifice something first Once the pain cycle is effectively broken, your road to recovery can begin If you need some help rehabbing your running injury, I’m here to help you get out of that pain cycle. Schedule a free discovery phone call with me to get the ball rolling on your recovery Over the phone we’ll talk about your specific issue, get you scheduled an initial evaluation, and establish a treatment plan for you to get you all patched up Your best is yet to come |
Dr. Michael Upcoming Events Illinois Brewery Running Series Valiant Physical Therapy is one of the sponsors for a couple local 5Ks in the Illinois Brewery Running Series! July 28th, Illinois Brewery Run Series – Sketchbook – Skokie August 17th, Illinois Brewery Run Series – Take Flight Spirits – Skokie If you’re itching to run a local 5K, come to one of the two above! ![]() |