Reading Time: 1mins
Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 3:13 pm
Last week I was talking to a patient of mine about his new years goals
He was saying how he wanted to get faster and lose some weight
Pretty vague stuff. Nothing that really inspires action.
Him and I are working on his running form and speed but he doesn’t really have anything to strive for
So I asked him, “Would you sign up for an upcoming 5K? There’s one at Stride Fitness in Wilmette on Saturday January 27th at 11:30am.”
It didn’t take him long to reply with a resounding “Yes! Let’s do it!”
And just like that, he had a whole new energy and intention for our session.
The rest of our conversation and session revolved around getting him fit and ready for that race
Consider the 2024 training season kickstarted
Actually signing up and putting something on the calendar just feels different
It gives you that fire in the belly to get your act together
On days when you don’t feel like running or working out, you think about the looming date only a few weeks ahead and you get going
Whatever distance you want to do, sign up for a race, and train for it
You can do it
Dr. Michael