Reading Time: 1mins
Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 11:43 pm
We are now fully immersed in the holiday season
Spending time with family, relaxing, staying inside more as the weather continues to chill
The last thing on our minds is ramping up our training for an upcoming race
That boat has been lifted out of the harbor and won’t return until sometime in 2024
This is the off season
A time to rest our bodies and minds from the rigors of a strict training schedule
Now we have the opportunity to address some important fitness items that don’t get the spotlight during the training season
Things like: improving top end speed, muscular strength, mobility, and improving running gait quality.
These were all things I talked about last night during my second presentation to the Evanston Running Club
You can check out the recording of the presentation on my YouTube channel here
In the presentation, I talk about different off season focus items that likely don’t get much love from you during the training season
I also explain simple 3 step processes for how to improve in each respective category
Simply pick something to focus on, follow the steps, and exit the off season better than you went in
Check out the presentation slide deck here
Happy Runnin
– Dr. Michael