Reading Time: 2mins
Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 11:34 pm
You’ve been ramping up your running
Going farther and faster than you ever have before
You’re feeling good and you’ve got your upcoming race in your sites
Then all of a sudden, you start getting some pain in your Achilles tendon.
You don’t think much about it and keep running through it.
And you keep running, and running, and running
It’s getting worse, not better.
You’re starting to cut your runs short because your Achilles is bothering you.
Not a good strategy for your upcoming race…What to do for Achilles Tendonitis Luckily, the treatment of Achilles tendonitis is simple and straight forward It’s one of the easiest diagnoses to treat. And definitely not a problem that should stop you from competing in your race if treated early enough.
The basic thing to know about treating Achilles Tendonitis is this: Focus on progressive ECCENTRIC loading of the achilles tendon Minimize CONCENTRIC loading as much as possible
What the heck are eccentric and concentric? They are 2 different types of muscle contractions
CONCENTRIC is when the muscle is contracting and it’s SHORTENING
ECCENTRIC is when the muscle is contracting and it’s LENGTHENING Taking this and translating it to the Achilles Tendon If you’re standing on your feet doing a heel raise…Concentric contraction of the Achilles tendon is when the heel is LIFTING
Eccentric contraction of the Achilles tendon is when the heel is LOWERING There is a series of progressive exercises that are appropriate for different severities of Achilles Tendonitis. There is no 1 size fits all exercise. But sticking with eccentrics, is the key.
Happy Running
-Dr. Michael