#1 Stretch to Fight Plantar Fasciitis

Reading Time: 2mins

Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 11:30 pm

Fight Plantar Fasciitis
Your foot hurts while you stand

You swing out of bed and put your feet on the ground

Ouch! you say to yourself as you try putting weight through your feet

It’s at its worst first thing in the morning

Once you get started moving, maybe it feels a little better

But every time you stand up after sitting for some time

Ouch! you say to yourself as you try putting weight through your feet

You poke the bottom of your foot and it hurts

You my friend, might have plantar fasciitis

What is that and what can be done about it?

I’m glad you asked
The plantar fascia is a band of fibrous tissue that lives on the undersurface of the foot

This baby keep the whole thing together

It helps create and support the arch of the foot
It stores passive energy to make your foot more springy
And sometimes, it gets pissed off

Maybe you’ve heard some people suggest rolling your foot on a frozen water bottle to help relieve the pain

That can help with symptoms in the short term, but its not fixing the problem

The main thing you’re going to want to do to treat this in the early stages, is STRETCH the plantar fascia

How do you do that? We’re going to turn to the big toe to help us
As the big toe extends backwards, it STRETCHES the plantar fascia

This big toe extension happens naturally during the back component of a running stride

As your leg travels behind you, your big toe is the last thing to leave the ground

As you push yourself forwards with your ankle, your big toe extends

Below is an image of a simple stretch you can do to STRETCH the plantar fascia

I recommend my patient’s to perform all stretches for a cumulative 60 seconds
In a seated position, cross your legs, grab your big toe, and pull it backwards
(sorry for the blurriness)
If you have pain or an injury that is preventing you from doing what you love, we should talk.Click the button below to schedule a free discovery call with me and see if we’re a good fit to work together.
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