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Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 3:02 pm
Best Lower Back ExerciseLower back pain plagues millions of humans on earth
Maybe you’re one of them
There are many different sources of low back pain but there is one exercise that is the GO TO for physical therapists treating low back pain The Prone Press Up
Setup: Lay on stomach with hands underneath shoulders like you’re going to do a push up
Movement: Keeping your hips on the ground, push yourself up, extending your lower back, and try and lock out your elbows
This movement EXTENDS your lumbar spine and is a position that is RARELY (if ever) achieved by the lumbar spine in day-to-day life.
Think about it, when was the last time you bent your back ALL THE WAY BACK?
Maybe never?
We spend so much time during the day in lumbar FLEXION with sitting, bending over, driving, etc.
Especially if you’re a cyclist. Cyclists spend their ENTIRE bike ride in FLEXION
Your back NEEDS to be able to do BOTH maximum FLEXION and EXTENSION
If you’re not doing press ups, maybe it’s time to start…
The best time to do them, is AFTER your bike ride or prolonged sitting
If you have pain or an injury preventing you from doing what you love, we should talk.
Click the button below to schedule a free discovery call with me and see if we’re a good fit to work together.